Monday, July 4, 2011


The text for this video is supplied by ‘Russia today’ and my comments are the truth as I know it and I stand by them.
“Three men convicted of trying to blow up synagogues in New York have each been sentenced to 25 years in prison. But the case has raised allegations of entrapment, after they were actually incited by the FBI, and handed fake bombs. ­Critics claim it was a set-up, but the judge said her hands were tied…”
This type of operation has been happening for many years now and has to stop.

TERRORISTS are in fact ‘NOT’ terrorists they are people who are unhappy with the involvement of foreign governments in their country.
Foreign intervention: – this bloggers definition of foreign intervention is as follows:
“Intervening in a countries economy for the benefit of the invading country, whilst charging the invaded country its natural resources for the intervention.”

The reason for the intervention is manipulated by the invader, under the guise of helping the invaded country. It is, from the outset a covert declaration of WAR.
The USA and Britain are the worst offenders of this type of stratagem.
The judiciary are in this scam ‘up to their necks’ The judge in this case states her hands were tied’. This is a typical response from an individual who is clearly manipulated and shows the justice system for what it really is ‘A CLUB’.

“For nearly a decade, the US has waged a widespread global war on terror. It has required a multi-tasking military effort overseas. “
The true terrorists are without doubt, ‘HOME GROWN’ and are most definitely those within our / your own governments, possibly colluding with the victims’ government. So the war on terror is easy to combat – No more wars overseas, No more manipulating / rigging elections overseas.
For those who do not believe that your / our government don’t rig elections, do some easy research in your own town to see that your elected representative actually represents the majority of the voting public, or is towing the political line of the central party.
As for the has required a multi-tasking military effort overseas.” This statement is rhetoric and has no substance in its meaning. It sounds good, however it is ‘CRAP’.
The military is and always will be ‘do as I say and not as I do!’ Load a rifle and fire it, how complicated does it have to be – unless what they meant is, chew gum at the same time.

“On the domestic front, US officials have decided to redouble their efforts, recently announcing counter-terrorism plans that refocus resources on combating home-grown plots. "This is the first counter-terrorism strategy that focuses on the ability of Al-Qaeda and its network to inspire people in the United States to attack us from within, “John Brennan, U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor declared recently.”
John Brennan is quite clearly lying; Define the statement ‘home grown’. The reports follows with:  

Yet in countless so-called FBI sting operations, media reports suggest the FBI operative provided the fake C4, and actually showed them the fake stinger missile. The inspiration to attack America has sometimes come from a government-paid informant working to orchestrate the plot…”
We know that these operations include highly paid informants who would say anything the authorities wish to hear. I would go as far as to say these individuals are persuaded to say what the authorities want to hear. “Here’s another million dollars! Now what did you say?”

The proof is in what Brennan states:
"This is the first counter-terrorism strategy that focuses on the ability of Al-Qaeda and its network to inspire people in the United States to attack us from within,…”
Here he admits we know who is involved. The statement reads well and is made with carefully analysed and structured use of language. For those who do not recognise his true intent: the real statement is hidden in the and its network. In the context of this case the victims are the four black guys (sorry for using this terminology, it is a term I feel is comfortable with and not insulting). These guys have been prosecuted and goaled yet there is no mention of the individuals who supplied them with the information, the equipment, the finances or the target: Nothing to see here, move on. What moron would only follow the ground troops and ignore the financiers, the suppliers and the point men? Well Okay I know we are talking about the FBI, they aren’t the sharpest tools in the box.
This is a “counter terrorism strategy?”, well for a “counter terrorism strategy” its ‘SHITE’.
AND “Al-Qaeda, don’t make me laugh. Oh! Sorry are we still falling for this? We might as well say the CO2 is a man-made global greenhouse gas or wind turbines are efficient or the Japanese nuclear disaster was an accident. Oh boy! The powers that be really don’t think much of us do they?

“Yet in countless so-called FBI sting operations, media reports suggest the FBI operative provided the fake C4, and actually showed them the fake stinger missile. The inspiration to attack America has sometimes come from a government-paid informant working to orchestrate the plot. Critics of this tactic say it was exercised in a New York case dubbed the "Newburgh Four". The suspects -- poor, illiterate, African-American Muslims -- were presented as the faces of homegrown terrorism, and subsequently found guilty of conspiring and attempting US terrorist attacks. "There was no direction by a foreign entity or terrorist group," said Joseph Demarest, the head of the FBI's New York office in May 2009. Instead direction came from Shahid Hussain. a Pakistani immigrant on the FBI payroll. He was reportedly paid $100,000 for his services.”
Good on the ‘MEDIA’ its time they grew a backbone.

I am not a proponent of ‘an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth’ however we see here an organisation who are willing to put countless lives at risk for the sake of a couple of ‘shiny coins’ coins I may add that will eventually end up covering their eyes, as in ‘pennies for the boatman’.
Those involved in setting this crime into motion would see their children killed for a few more ‘shiny coins’ and are not ever to be trusted, I speak of the FBI and all the other alphabet boys clubs. I will not stop there because there are government departments outside of the alphbeti spaghetti organisations involved and are painted with the same brush. They too would knock over their own mother and reverse to finish the job and then go home to shag a prostitute while their children watch, these are the ‘SCUM’ we have not elected but do the ‘MASTERS’ bidding. Do they KNOW what they do? Of course they do, are we all that simple that we would believe that they are innocent, they do not see what we see. No it’s all about ‘shiny coins’.
As Golem states ‘My precious’.
Any Agent of any government found knowingly or unknowingly supporting the cause to defraud or misinterpret or collude in such acts of terror, regardless of who they are or what their record is should be convicted as abhorrent and unredeemable flotsam and subsequently executed or at the very least imprisoned in a space station orbiting the moon.

Here is the video that this blog was inspired by.

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