Thursday, April 28, 2011

Osho on Very important "Word"

A new permanent clip on the right Osho.
This is a serious video and not by a comedian. I had thought, when I first viewed it to be a skit, well it isn't.
Now I believe my blog is meant for adults, or at least I thought I had selected that option and I can't be arsed to check so I will continue.

FUCK! is a five letter word, the fifth letter gives it some Oomph I think. I use the fuck word quite often, but not in polite company you understand. But even then I try to sneak it in under the radar.

Fuck is such a descriptive word it can be used for so many things. Just like a Swiss army knife but FUCK! is it much more versatile.
I hope you enjoy, I certainly did, as did the rest of my family.

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