You know what? The post a few days ago - Below 'SAY NO MORE' About the cabbage.
Yes that one. I printed it out and spoke to a few people about the madness behind the whole control thing and what did quite a few have to say.
Well maybe they are trying to make it easier for the growers.
The procedures have to be strict so we get good quality food.
I don't think there are that many words, not just for a cabbage, maybe there are a number of different cabbages.
We can't just let 'anyone' sell cabbages there has to be rules.
I thought that article was MADNESS but the responses I have had are sheer lunacy.
We truly do live among the most simple people on the planet, These guys are not 'sleeping' they are comatose.
I had to write this because if I kept this to myself 'in my head' I believe it would just blow up.
Well as you might have guessed I put them right on a few things, needless to say they went away 'INFORMED'.
Get back to ya later
Namaste, phil;

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