However an opportunity has arisen where I can, finally, set myself up to become a martyr.
I had intended and researched the heretic laws of witchcraft otherwise known as the 'Witchcraft Acts'
"In England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland a succession of 'Witchcraft Acts' have governed witchcraft and provided penalties for its practice, or (in later years) for pretending to practise it." From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia
The law was repealed in Britain in 1951, however mutterings have been heard that the 'Witchcraft Acts' or heresy laws are to be reintroduced.
So it was because of these rumours I began to do my research and would have declared myself a witch if they were ever reintroduced. I just might have been the first to be burned at the stake in 450 years.
Well this is not to be, the new 'THOUGHT CRIME' has come first so.
I would like to officially declare myself an anarchist.
1 "Anarchism is a political philosophy which considers the state undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful, and instead promotes a stateless society, or anarchy. Any information relating to anarchists should be reported to your local police."
Without question I consider the state undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful'. I definitely promote a stateless society, or *anarchy.
You now have information relating to an anarchist and by rights you should report me to your local police.
2 *anarchy: A theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society.
However, I believe the police are going to be busy, at my last reckoning there would be roughly half the population of britain and ALL of 'Albion' that are anarchists. I will be in 'GOOD' company.
'twas until this day that I was lawfully able to think whatever I wished, mark this day well because it is going to become a point in history where we should all remember where we were and what we 'HAD' / 'HAVE' done to put an end to this madness.
I had the pleasure of being in the court room at Birkenhead and witnessed the treasonous activities of Judge Peake first hand.I have gathered with others and have discussed the traitorous activities of this and prior governments. I have met and can confirm that Hollie Grieg tells her truth and I believe this truth. I have met and spoken with many who have brought charges of treason to the police regarding Edward Heath, Harold Wilson, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and 'call me Dave' Cameron among others.
I know and understand 'Common Law' and I know and understand the 'Magna Carta 1215'. I believe and can never be indoctrinated against my, and others, beliefs in these valuable documents.
This makes me an ANARCHIST and I will wear that badge of honour regardless of what the authorities say and do. I do NOT FEAR these little men who produce nothing but HOT AIR and I refuse to be bullied by the police, HIT me HURT me TORTURE me - They trained me in the cream of their forces and I have survived such techniques before and I will remain steadfast in my beliefs.
To steal another groups' ethos:
I am Anonymous. (one of the many where they are few)
I do not forgive.
I do not forget.
I am coming.
Expect me.

What more can we do?
If we see a policyman in trouble we should just walk on by. ^Only help 'Constables' NOT police 'OFFICERS'
If we see a politician who needs assistance we should just walk on by. ^Only help those who have and are supporting our cause.
All medical treatment for these traitors should cease 'NOW'. ^As per above.
Any and all assistance to these people should stop. Do NOT serve a politician and do not serve a policyman in your shops and or be directly rude to them if one has to serve them - let them go elsewhere. ^As per above.
When you see a policyman 'TURN YOUR BACK ON THEM' until they have passed to show solidarity to the 'We the People'. ^As per above.
We may not have the equipment and orders they have but we can 'VISIBLY' ignore them.
See a cop car driving on the street 'STOP' and turn your back on them.
Show them all we are not amused.
Magna Carta 1215; Article 61
But since we have granted all these things aforesaid, for GOD, and for the amendment of our kingdom, and for the better extinguishing the discord which has arisen between us and our Barons, we being desirous that these things should possess entire and unshaken stability for ever, give and grant to them the security underwritten; namely, that the Barons may elect twenty-five Barons of the kingdom, whom they please, who shall with their whole power, observe, keep, and cause to be observed, the peace and liberties which we have granted to them, and have confirmed by this our present charter, in this manner:
that is to say, if we, or our Justiciary, or our bailiffs, or any of our officers, shall have injured any one in any thing, or shall have violated any article of the peace or security, and the injury shall have been shown to four of the aforesaid twenty-five Barons, the said four Barons shall come to us, or to our Justiciary if we be out of the kingdom, and making known to us the excess committed, petition that we cause that excess to be redressed without delay.
And if we shall not have redressed the excess, or, if we have been out of the kingdom, our Justiciary shall not have redressed it within the term of forty days , computing from the time when it shall have been made known to us, or to our Justiciary if we have been out of the kingdom, the aforesaid four Barons, shall lay that cause before the residue of the twenty-five Barons;
and they, the twenty-five Barons, with the community of the whole land, shall distress and harass us by all the ways in which they are able; that is to say, by the taking of our castles, lands, and possessions, and by any other means in their power, until the excess shall have been redressed, according to their verdict; saving harmless our person, and the persons of our Queen and children; and when it hath been redressed, they shall behave to us as they have done before.
And whoever of our land pleaseth, may swear, that he will obey the commands of the aforesaid twenty-five Barons, in accomplishing all the things aforesaid, and that with them he will harass us to the utmost of his power: and we publicly and freely give leave to every one to swear who is willing to swear; and we will never forbid any to swear.
But all those of our land, who, of themselves, and of their own accord, are unwilling to swear to the twenty-five Barons, to distress and harass us together with them, we will compel them by our command, to swear as aforesaid.
And if any one of the twenty-five Barons shall die, or remove out of the land, or in any other way shall be prevented from executing the things above said, they who remain of the twenty-five Barons shall elect another in his place, according to their own pleasure, who shall be sworn in the same manner as the rest.
In all those things which are appointed to be done by these twenty-five Barons, if it happen that all the twenty-five have been present, and have differed in their opinions about any thing, or if some of them who had been summoned, would not, or could not be present, that which the greater part of those who were present shall have provided and decreed, shall be held as firm and as valid, as if all the twenty-five had agreed in it: and the aforesaid twenty-five shall swear, that they will faithfully observe, and, with all their power, cause to be observed, all the things mentioned above.
And we will obtain nothing from any one, by ourselves, nor by another, by which any of these concessions and liberties may be revoked or diminished. And if any such thing shall have been obtained, let it be void and null: and we will never use it, neither by ourselves nor by another.
Let it be KNOWN that I phil; of the dawson family hereby swear allegiance to the Barons, formally willfuly given to the Queen (Elizabeth II). My allegiance to the crown is hereby withdrawn and will be restored once this land witnesses the redress required. I have sent this affidavit to the queen - hereto is further affirmation of my allegiance to the Barons.
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