Friday, August 19, 2011

History lesson (Peterloo protestors)

How much do you know about history?
Were you taught this in school?
Are police or security forces always exempt from scrutiny?

Maybe in a hundred years a blogger like me will post the truth that is not taught in school and like me those reading it will be as disgusted.
This country we call britain, UK, Erozone; soon to be:- UKC, UKD, UKE, UKF, UKG, UKH, UKI, UKJ, UKK, UKL, UKM, UKN, but historically - Albion; 'Men of the Lion', not only has it's governments subjugated its peoples; and still are, it has on too many occasions slaughtered them.
The time is coming fast when all history will be known, some will be shocked, some will defend its actions but the majority will demand our country back.

It's never too late even for these people below

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