How many of you know about treason - other than 'the gun powder plot' Guy Fawkes (13 April 1570 – 31 January 1606).
I am of course talking about, among other things 'royal assent': 'The granting of royal assent refers to the method by which any constitutional monarch formally approves and promulgates an act of his or her nation's parliament, thus making it a law.'
Another is 'the royal prerogative', this one is far more complex yet there are sections to this bill that is important to you and I. namely: 'The dissolution of Parliament, which is "perhaps the most important residual prerogative exercised personally be the sovereign, and represents the greatest potential for controversy". This prerogative is normally exercised at the request of Parliament and the prime minister, either at his or her discretion or following a motion of no confidence. The last time the monarch unilaterally dissolved Parliament was in 1835, when Earl Grey resigned as prime minister; although he had a fully functioning cabinet capable of carrying on without him, William IV chose to force it out of office.'
An example of what I an going on about is:
In 1999, Queen Elizabeth II, acting on the advice of the government, refused to signify her consent to hearing of the Military Action Against Iraq (Parliamentary Approval) Bill, which sought to transfer from the monarch to Parliament the power to authorize military strikes against Iraq. Due to the Crown's refusal to consent to the bill's hearing, it was automatically dropped. However, because the Bill had been introduced under the Ten Minute Rule, it never stood any chance of being fully debated by Parliament, and it does not represent a test of what may happen if a future government introduced other legislation affecting the reserve powers of the Crown.
Well the above being the case, we would not have been in a war in Iraq! So what happened?
Something did, didn't it?
I say, but not solely on this example - TREASON.
There has been a plot by, nearly if not all, prime ministers for quite some time and I suggest you look around and see what you find. Try starting with 'A case for treason' By Albert Burgess.
Why should we care?
Well for one it is imperative to understand our own position. We who are born in what we call the United Kingdom are sovereign. When the government speak of sovereign in bills, acts or statutes they are speaking of 'US ALL'. It is why we call our monarch sovereign, not because it is a greater title or it bestows anything, it is because we see our monarch as 'equal'. The power bestowed on the monarch is and always has been given by the people; sovereign. Just note this one thing if you do not wish to believe anything else I say. Power cannot be given by those who do not have power. Those who do not have cannot give. I hope you remember this because the power or authority that is lent to the monarch is lent by US ' We the People'.
This is a secret the powers that be; government, do not want you to understand, because if you do they know you will be able to control them, as opposed to the other way round.
The treason then comes from usurping the power of the monarch, and thus the people, so that a government free for all can go ahead unabated. This translates in to a tyranny - here in the UK, Anarchy of the government, is this what you want?
You already know that many laws passed over many years have reduced your rights down to a bare minimum and this is set to avalanche; because we are starting to catch on to what is going on.
One of the biggest treacherous acts has been the handing of power to Europe , it started with the EEC and is now the EU. Our constitution states that it is TREASON to hand power over the peoples of Britain to a foreign power.
YES! we do have a constitution and it 'IS' a written constitution. It is true that there are unwritten constitutional aspects but this is only true because they were not included the first time round. The constitution had been a part of every child's education up to the late 50's and shortly there after. Children today are taught that we do not have a written constitution and as such IS part of the governments treason.
Blair did not commit treason? if this is true, why did he have the treason laws repealed just before he left office - I believe 'smoking gun' GUILTY. If only we had a 'STRAIGHT' legal system; if we had (B'LIAR) T Blair would be behind bars right now and we would be prosecuting a few hundred others for 'WAR CRIMES'.
I believe with every bone in my body that this WILL happen one day, so those involved, do not get too comfortable - the sovereign is coming to get you.

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