For those of you who are not aware, there is a newspaper that strives to report news that is honest and poignant. This publication and a few others are my main starting place for information.
You will find the publication web site at . Here you will find may interesting articles that are as unbiased as the media can be.
I trust the editors Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson.
One can subscribe to or donate to get the physical paper (£1 each copy or £12 for the year).
The information is invaluable for those who are just waking up to those who wish to keep abreast of the current lies and deceit our 'so called' leaders are telling us. The reporters are, as far as I can tell, are independent and quite often use items that are obfuscated from the general public, sometimes but not always because the stories are embarrassing to the PTB.
I believe that our leaders spend more time trying to find a 'different' way to tell us the truth, one that does not say anything of meaning. The inaccuracy of mainstream reporting lends itself to false interpretation and thus gives birth to a multitude of conflicting stories. The UK Column tells it as it is and sends the paper to the houses of parliament for interested members to read, and apparently they do and in lots of cases support the views.
People ask 'What can I do?' Well here is one thing 'ONE' can do and that is support an independent paper, increase its circulation and give it some 'power'. I get nothing for making these statements other than the knowledge that I am passing on 'good' info and the continuation of the paper means I get to read it.
It is a message to the PTB that 'You cannot keep a good man down'.
Namaste, Phil:
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