One of the most fatal programs that are currently under way is one that the majority of people are ignoring.
What is it? Well before I make the statement I would like to add a preamble: These things are being done in front of our faces, in plain sight. Most people do not want to understand what is being done to them. Maybe this is fear; maybe they have been (miss) informed as to what this stuff is. However the facts are ‘IN’ Scientists, professors, ordinary people are attempting to get to the bottom of this problem and are finding it difficult. Why? Because there are not enough people asking the questions, there are not enough people getting involved, people are following the pied piper to the trap and they think they are safe to do this.
Simply because they are told ‘IT’S OK’.
I am, of course talking about ‘Chemtrails’ yes, a subject that many know of but put it down to ‘conspiracy theory.’ Well I have news for you, this is no conspiracy theory it is conspiracy fact.
The cons; for those who wish to debunk this statement.
Here is your ammo. Why would they do it to themselves? They are vapour trails! There are no serious data suggesting a chemical spaying regime. It is to protect us from global warming. It is a new technology that is designed to protect us.
The answer to these questions is quite simple and really turns the questioner on their heads.
In the past, conspiracy theorists have been bombarded with, ‘where’s the proof?’ and ‘how do you know?’ Statements about the individuals’ mental state have been made. Your nuts, right. Well now I wish to ask this to those who don’t believe in Chemtrails.
If this is not happening, despite the evidence above your head, why are we finding it difficult to get our questions answered? It isn’t as if our governments are not talking about and producing documents on ‘Chemtrails’ they are. However decades down the line we are still unsure as to what is going on and no one in authority is willing to say anything in public. Now if you have voted recently you will have helped put those in power, in power, YOU put them there, didn’t you? So why when a question is asked about what they are doing in the name of science are they unwilling to answer?
Is it because there is a higher power that we don’t know about or is it because the answer is too embarrassing and if we found out we would be ‘very cross?’
The US is active as are UK and other countries around the world in trying to get to the bottom of this problem, most of the data is coming from this quarter so I will state a few of their data. Not to say that this is any different here I the UK, I think they are the same: on a larger scale in the US because of the size of the continent.
10 to 20 million tons of aluminium are currently being spayed over the US; the effect of this is unknown to the authorities. They say there are ‘unknown unknowns’ and this is how science gets its answers. However the effect is being seen daily on the farms and on the islands off the coast of the US. Hawaii is experiencing crop failures due to the concentration of aluminium in the soil and the bark of the coconut trees are softening. Already farmers are being offered genetically modified seed that is resistant to the aluminium levels. Now if this was a natural phenomenon how come corporations have managed to get ahead of this problem?
Either they knew about a problem that is affecting the whole planet and they have sat on it or they knew about the problem because they have a hand in its manufacture. I know what I think, what do you think?
Here is something to ponder and investigate for yourself.
If a crop needs to be resistant to anything it could be ‘BUGS’, now they can be a problem, what about lead? There are millions of cars spewing out lead in their exhaust or what about drought, I can see a benefit, short term, in this but WHY aluminium? Is there that much aluminium in the atmosphere that we need to genetically modify crops to resist it? Crops don’t grow well in soil that is overly concentrated with aluminium and in Hawaii the atmospheric levels are thousands of percent over ‘accepted levels’.
Here is the smoking gun.
Aluminium resistant gene patent #7582809
Granted on September, 1st 2009
Developed at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY
WHY? What is it they are not telling us?
Current research on what is being sprayed from the sky is Aluminium, Barium, Strodium and Orgonite particles in the megaton volumes per continent.
I suggest one takes a look at: Poisoning The Planet - Chemtrails: What are they Spraying?
Once you have done this consider writing a few letters to your MP or senator or president or prime minister. Some may wish to gather evidence and start criminal proceedings against the authorities or aircraft companies that are spraying this stuff.
I know one thing for sure that when we find out, and it is bad, the people and companies that are involved are in for a rude awakening. Maybe they have read this, regardless, they DO know what they are doing and there is no ‘presumption of ignorance’ if you are part of the company you are involved and will suffer the consequences for not making it clear that you disagree with what is being done.
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