Well I've had this blog for a little while now and I have posted a few tame posts but I think it is time to step it up a notch.
I am constantly reading new and varied books, I am an avid NEXUS reader and I love the UK Column, I occasionally get the Sovereign Independent. I have read 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley, Plato's 'Republic' right up to authors like Icke and Jim Marrs. I have hundreds of books pertaining to Law, History, Myth, Medicine, Herbal, Conspiracy, Language (English) and a few others, the range of subjects is vast, however it is all for one thing, to understand what the fuck is going on.
So to step up a bit I will be referring to many subjects, not just one.
I believe it is important to be versed in a multitude - not a master in any but a standing in many.
Of everything I have read, one thing is for sure. If you wish to know true history read mythology and for true mythology read history.
I have known history to change in my life time. What was once believed is now no longer true; not because the thinking has changed but because we found out that the previous events had been lied about and printed as truth.
Children in schools are being taught history school that contradicts current and open truths, FACT. I have children in school and I know this to be the case, however when they question the facts they are met with blank looks, because the teacher (that's a joke) doesn't know either.
I will be bloging about our medical practitioners / medical industry, the JOKE that it is. I am sincerely sorry for those who are currently using our health service and I am sincerely sorry for those who have to because of an illness. Don't get me wrong, I admire those in the industry, those who treat emergencies though, rather than the fat arsed medical GP type who sits and prescribes 'SHIT' as a remedy for a condition that could be treated properly by none big-pharma means.
So I will be talking about Cannabis, YES! that stuff. So if you are a none believer you are going to be in for a shock. I will post as my next post the list of ailments that can be treated with Cannabis.
Aliens? do they exist? One would have to be pretty stupid not believe that there are other entities out in a universe that is unfathomable. Do I debate this fact, NO! Can I prove it - I would have the opponent prove that they don't exist; not based on the fact that they have never seen them. For this reason I could argue that Bosnia doesn't exist because I haven't seen it.
I am a Veggie, I eat fish but that is about it on the 'LIFE' stakes and I don't argue that veggies are alive too but what the hell I ain't stupid I have to eat something. I don't drink the poison tap water here in the UK, we'll cover that in another post.
I will, more often than not call the country I live in 'ALBION', because that is its proper name I will refrain as best I can from calling this Isle 'britain' and certainly never with a Capitol letter. If you knew what 'britain' meant you would refrain from using it too. UK is ok but rather Albion.
Politics will come in to this, we cannot ignore the idiots that think they have been elected in to lead us, Yea right. There are a few great politicians and these will get a mention from time to time.
EU, I will put this in a different category to politics because the EU is about as far from politics as my balls are from my arse. Yes I did mean that 'Think about it' ;-) (for those who are a little slow they are close together but have different purposes, and one stinks) Not mine of course ;-)
I could go on but I have the cooking to do so I will stop here. Things, I hope, are about to get interesting.
My views are always different from others, however I have been told on many an occasion 'I never thought of it that way'. I ain't about to change.
Namaste, phil;
I will explain at some time why I use the signature phil; so you will understand why, unless you already do.

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