I read a book every week [and NOT the same one :-)], Yes I know that is slow but then I am an idiot.
I subscribe to quite a few magazines and I am proudly a moderator on a well known forum. I speak with activists and scour the internet for interesting titbits.
I follow lots of people, follow in that I listen to what they say and inwardly digest until I can either prove or disprove [to myself] what they say.
There are numerous sources that are 'absolute' when it comes to certain subjects, they cannot be questioned, as far as I am concerned, they have been right over and over again. So I trust such sources, YET I still ponder it in my own way.
One never really knows.
So when I talk with people, I mean the sleepers, I am talking about things that are researched and mostly in the mainstream, however, all I usually get is
'Well if this was correct, don't you think they would put it on the NEWS'
Silly ME, why didn't I think of that. 'I AM an IDIOT.'
Yep! these individuals say I am nuts for spreading this way out stuff.
Yet on occasion I find someone who is prepared to look into such things and then I get it from them. COOL eh! I love it when someone else wakes up. Beware though once you wake someone up it is virtually impossible to get them back to sleep.
'My wife was watching the royal wedding on the internet the other day, she is only interested because she likes to watch me rant about the moronic monarchy. She turned to my son and said "If your dad was dead right now, he would be turning in his grave"' And how right she would be.
When I got married I had to pay for my wedding myself, probably because my request for finances to cover it from taxes was rejected. So the government think I am an idiot too.

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