I read a book every week [and NOT the same one :-)], Yes I know that is slow but then I am an idiot.
I subscribe to quite a few magazines and I am proudly a moderator on a well known forum. I speak with activists and scour the internet for interesting titbits.
I follow lots of people, follow in that I listen to what they say and inwardly digest until I can either prove or disprove [to myself] what they say.
There are numerous sources that are 'absolute' when it comes to certain subjects, they cannot be questioned, as far as I am concerned, they have been right over and over again. So I trust such sources, YET I still ponder it in my own way.
One never really knows.
So when I talk with people, I mean the sleepers, I am talking about things that are researched and mostly in the mainstream, however, all I usually get is
'Well if this was correct, don't you think they would put it on the NEWS'
Silly ME, why didn't I think of that. 'I AM an IDIOT.'
Yep! these individuals say I am nuts for spreading this way out stuff.
Yet on occasion I find someone who is prepared to look into such things and then I get it from them. COOL eh! I love it when someone else wakes up. Beware though once you wake someone up it is virtually impossible to get them back to sleep.
'My wife was watching the royal wedding on the internet the other day, she is only interested because she likes to watch me rant about the moronic monarchy. She turned to my son and said "If your dad was dead right now, he would be turning in his grave"' And how right she would be.
When I got married I had to pay for my wedding myself, probably because my request for finances to cover it from taxes was rejected. So the government think I am an idiot too.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Chemtrail test data PDFs
for those who are interested in the Chemtrail situation here are some PDF's for you to investigate and keep on your drive for future use.
They are an interesting read and prove without a doubt that we are being poisoned from the air.
The one that doesn't download is an incorrect address. Look at the address and alter it by taking out the second HTTP// --- [this is what the wrong address looks like (http://http//www.) it should read http://www.] etc.
They are an interesting read and prove without a doubt that we are being poisoned from the air.
Chemtrail test data PDFs, this is REAL research on the issue of geo-engineering
Please download this into your files even if you don't care to look at them now. This is VERY important data we will need for legal purposes. Duplicate and forward. This is IT!
Yes its a big 39 doc attachment. But we need to get this data into so many boxes while it LASTS.
Francis Mangels,
Retired bioscientist"
Feel free to download all these PDF's, this is REAL research on the issues of geo-engineering and Aerosol Spraying.
You can find the PDF's at
The one that doesn't download is an incorrect address. Look at the address and alter it by taking out the second HTTP// --- [this is what the wrong address looks like (http://http//www.) it should read http://www.] etc.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
URGENT HELP NEEDED: Charlie Veitch Arrested at 5pm This Evening by the Thought Police
Charlie was arrested this evening at his home in cambridge by the thought police for 'PreCrime'
He is in custody at Parkside Police Station, Parkside, Cambridge, CB1 1JG
If you can't be there in person please call Parkside Police station on
+44 (O) 845 4564564
And ask for the custody block to voice your concern for Charlie's welfare and your disgust at what has happened
Please cirulate this far and wide.
Thank You
"Dr. Tod's List" - Chronic Conditions Treated With Cannabis
-*-The numbers are International Classification of Diseases 9 - (ICD-9)
by Tod H. Mikuriya, M.D.
-*-International Classification of Diseases 9 - CM 1996 (ICD-9)
Chronic Conditions Treated With Cannabis
Encountered Between 1990-2004 © 2004 Tod H. Mikuriya, M.D.
![]() |
Dr Todd |
by Tod H. Mikuriya, M.D.
-*-International Classification of Diseases 9 - CM 1996 (ICD-9)
Chronic Conditions Treated With Cannabis
Encountered Between 1990-2004 © 2004 Tod H. Mikuriya, M.D.
Acquired hypothyroidsm 244 |
Acute Gastritis 535.0 |
Acute Sinusitis 461.9 |
ADD other 314.8 |
ADD w hyperactivity 314.01 |
ADD w/o hyperactivity 314.00 |
Adrenal Cortical Cancer 194.0 |
Agoraphobia 300.22 |
AIDS Related Illness 042 |
Alcohol Abuse+ 305.0 |
Alcoholism+ 303.0 |
Alopecia 704.0x |
Amphetamine Depend 304.4 |
Amyloidosis 277.3 |
Amytrophic Lateral Sclero 335.2 |
Anaphylactic or Reaction 995.0 |
Angina pectoris 413 |
Ankylosis 718.5 |
Anorexia Nervosa 307.1 |
Anorexia+ 783.0 |
Anxiety Disorder+ 300.00 |
Arteriosclerotic Heart Dis 414.X |
Arthritis, Degenerative 715.0 |
Arthritis, post traumatic+ 716.1 |
Arthritis, Rheumatoid+ 714.0 |
Arthropathy, Degenerative+ 716.9 |
Arthropathy, gout 274.0 |
Asthma, unspecific 493.9 |
Atrophy Blanche 701.3 |
Autism/Aspergers 299.0 |
Autoimmune disease 279.4 |
Back Sprain 847.9 |
Bell’s palsy 351.0 |
Bipolar Disorder 296.6 |
Brain malignant tumor 191 |
Brain Trauma 310.9 |
Bruxism 306.8 |
Bulemia 307.51 |
Cachexia 799.4 |
Cancer, site unspecified 199 |
Cardiac conduction disord 426.X |
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 354.0 |
Cerebellar Ataxia 334.4 |
Cerebral Aneurism 747.81 |
Cerebral Palsy+ 343.9 |
Cervical Disk Disease 722.91 |
Cervicobrachial Syndrome 723.3 |
Charcot-Marie-Tooth 356.1 |
Chemotherapy Convales V66.2 |
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 780.7 |
Chronic Obst Pulmo Dis 491.90 |
Chronic Sinusitis 473.9 |
Cluster Headaches 346.2 |
Cocaine Dependence+ 304.2 |
Colitis, Ulcerative 536.9 |
Colitis+ 558.9 |
Colon diverticulitis 562.1 |
Color Blindness* 368.55 |
Compression of Brain 348.4 |
Conjuctivitis 372.9 |
Constipation 564.0 |
Cough+ 786.2 |
Cystic Fibrosis 518.89 |
Darier’s Disease 757.39 |
Delerium Tremens+ 291.0 |
Dentofacial anomaly pain 524 |
Dermatomyositis 710.3 |
Diabetes Adult Onset 250.0 |
Diabetes Adult Onset Uncontrolled 250.2 |
Diabetes Insulin Depend. 250.1 |
Diabetic Neurpathy 250.6 |
Diabetic Ophthalmic Disease 250.5 |
Diabetic Peripheral Vascular Disease 250.7 |
Diabetic Renal Disease 250.4 |
Diarrhea 787.91 |
Drusen of Optic Nerve 377.21 |
Dumping Syndrome Post Surgery 564.2 |
Dupuytens Contracture 728.6 |
Dyslexic Amblyopia** 368.0 |
Dysthymic Disorder 300.4 |
Eczema 692.9 |
Ehlers Danlos Syndrom 756.83 |
Emphysema 492.8 |
Endometriosis** 617.9 |
Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syn. 710.5 |
Epidermolysis Bullosa 694.9 |
Epididymitis** 604.xx |
Epilepsy(ies)+ 345.x |
Erythma Multiforma 695.1 |
Felty’s Syndrome 714.1 |
Fibromyagia/Fibrositis 729.1 |
Fore Arm/Wrist/Hand 959.3 |
Friedreich’s Ataxia 334.0 |
Gastritis+ 535.5 |
GastroEsophgeal Rflx Dis 530.81 |
Genital Herpes 054.10 |
Glaucoma 365.23 |
Glioblastoma Multiforme 191.9 |
Grand Mal Seizures** 345.1 |
Graves Disease** 242.0 |
Hemiparesis/plegia 342 |
Hemophilia A 286.0 |
Henoch-Schoelein Purpur 287.0 |
Hepatitis-non-viral 571.4 |
Herpetic infection of penis 054.13 |
Hiccough+ 786.8 |
Hip 959.6 |
Huntingtons Disease+ 333.4 |
Hypertension+ 401.1 |
Hyperventilation 786.01 |
Hypoglycemia(s) 251 |
Impotence, Psychogenic 302.72 |
Insomnia+ 780.52 |
Intermittent Explosive Disorder 312.34 |
Intervertebral Disk Disease 722.x |
Irritable Bowel Synd. 564.1 |
Ischemic Heart Disease 411.X |
IVDD Cerv w Myelopathy 722.71 |
Jacksonian Epilepsy** 345.5 |
Knee, ankle & foot injury 959.7 |
Limbic Rage Syndrome** 345.4 |
Lipomatosis 272.8 |
Lower Back Pain 724.5 |
L-S disk disorder sciatic nerve irritation 722.1 |
Lumbosacral Back Diseas 724.x |
Lupus 710.0 |
Lyme Disease 088.81 |
Lympho & reticular ca 200 |
Lymphoma 238.7 |
Macular Degeneration** 362.5 |
Major Depression, Recurring 296.3 |
Major Depression, Single Episode 296.2 |
Malignant Melanoma 172.9 |
Mania 296.0 |
Marfan syndrome 759.82 |
Mastocytosis 757.33 |
Melorheostosis 733.99 |
Meniere's Disease 386.00 |
Menopausal syndrome 627.2 |
Migraine(s)+ 346.x |
Migraine, Classical+ 346.0 |
Mononeuritis lower limb 355 |
Motion Sickness 994.6 |
Mucopolysaccharoidosis 277 |
Multiple joints pain 719.49 |
Multiple Sclerosis 340.0 |
Muscle Spasm 728.85 |
Muscular dystrophies 359 |
Myeloid leukemia 205 |
Myofacial Pain Syndrome**782.0 |
Nail patella syndrome 756.89 |
Nausea+ 787.02 |
Nephritis/nephropathy 583.81 |
Neurasthenia 300.5 |
Neuropathy+ 357 |
Nightmares 307.47 |
Nonpsychotic Organic Brain Disorder 310.8 |
Nystagmus, Congenital 379.5 |
Obesity, exogenous 278.00 |
Obesity, morbid 278.01 |
Obsessive Compulsive Di. 300.3 |
Opiate Dependence+ 304.0 |
Optic neuritis 377.30 |
Organic Mental Disorder hd inj 310.1 |
Osgood-Schlatter 732.4 |
Osteogenesis imperfecta 756.51 |
Other arthropod bone disease 088 |
Other CNS demyelinating 341 |
Other Skin Cancer 173 |
Other spinal cord disease 336 |
Pain, Ureter 788.0 |
Pain, Vaginal 625.9 |
Pancreatitis 577.1 |
Panic Disorder+ 300.01 |
Paralysis, unspecific 344.9 |
Paraplegia(s) 344.1x |
Parkinsons Disease 332.0 |
Paroxysmal Atrial Tach** 427.0 |
Patellar chondromalacia 717.7 |
Pelvic Inflammatory Dis 614 |
Pemphigus 694.4 |
Peptic Ulcer/Dyspepsia 536.8 |
Peripheral enthesopathies 726 |
Peritoneal pain 568 |
Persistent Insomnia 307.42 |
Peutz-Jehgers Syndrome** 756.9 |
Pneumothorax, Spontaneo 512.8 |
Polyarteritis Nodosa 446.0 |
Porphyria 277.1 |
Post Cardiotomy Syndrom 429.4 |
Post Concussion Sydrome 310.2 |
Post Polio Syndrome 138.0 |
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 309.81 |
Post W.E. Enephalitis 062.1 |
Premenstrual Syndrome+ 625.3 |
Prostate Cancer 186 |
Prostatitis 600.0 |
Pruritus, pruritic+ 698.9 |
Pschogenic PAT 316.0 |
Psoriasis 696.1 |
Psoriatic Arthritis 696.0 |
Psychogenic Dysuria 306.53 |
Psychogenic Hyperhidrosi 306.3 |
Psychogenic Pain 307.89 |
Psychogenic Pylorospas** 306.4 |
Pulmonary Fibrosis 516.3 |
Pylorospasm Reflux 537.81 |
Quadriplegia(s) 344.0x |
Radiation Therapy E929.9 |
Raynaud’s Disease 443.0 |
Reflex Sympath Dystroph 337.2 |
Regional Enteri & Crohns 555.9 |
Reiters Syndrome 099.3 |
Restless legs syndrome 333.99 |
Rosacea 695.3 |
Schizoaffective Disorder 295.7 |
Schizophrenia(s) 295.x |
Scleroderma 710.1 |
Scoliosis 754.2 |
Sedative Dependence+ 304.1 |
Senile Dementia+ 290.0 |
Shingles (Herpes Zoster) 053.9 |
Shoulder Injury Unspec 959.2 |
Sleep Apnea 780.57 |
Spina Bifida Occulta 756.17 |
Spinal mm atrophy II 335.11 |
Spinal Stenosis 724.02 |
Spondylolisthesis** 738.4 |
Strabismus & other binoc 378 |
Sturge-Weber Disease 759.6 |
Sturge-Weber Eye Syndrome** 759.6 |
Stuttering* 307.0 |
Syringomyelia 336.0 |
T.M.J Sydrome 524.60 |
Tenosynovitis 727.x |
Tension Headache 307.81 |
Testicular Cancer 186.9 |
Testicular torsion 608.2 |
Thoracic Outlet Synd 353.0 |
Thromboangiitis Obliteran 443.1 |
Thyroiditis 245 |
Tic disorder unspecific 307.20 |
Tic Doloroux+ 350.1 |
Tietze’s Syndrome 733.6 |
Tinnitus 388.30 |
Tobacco Dependence 305.1 |
Tourette's Syndrome 307.23 |
Trachoria Growths***1 ???.? |
Tremor/Invol Movements 781.0 |
Trichotillomania 312.39 |
Ureter spasm calculus 592 |
Urethritis/Cystitis 595.3 |
Uterine cancer 236.0 |
Vertebral dislocation unspecific 839.4 |
Viral B Hepatitis, chronic 070.52 |
Viral C Hepatitis, chronic 070.54 |
Vomiting 787.01 |
Whiplash 847.0 |
Writers’ Cramp**** 300.89 |
Step up to the mark
Well I've had this blog for a little while now and I have posted a few tame posts but I think it is time to step it up a notch.
I am constantly reading new and varied books, I am an avid NEXUS reader and I love the UK Column, I occasionally get the Sovereign Independent. I have read 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley, Plato's 'Republic' right up to authors like Icke and Jim Marrs. I have hundreds of books pertaining to Law, History, Myth, Medicine, Herbal, Conspiracy, Language (English) and a few others, the range of subjects is vast, however it is all for one thing, to understand what the fuck is going on.
So to step up a bit I will be referring to many subjects, not just one.
I believe it is important to be versed in a multitude - not a master in any but a standing in many.
Of everything I have read, one thing is for sure. If you wish to know true history read mythology and for true mythology read history.
I have known history to change in my life time. What was once believed is now no longer true; not because the thinking has changed but because we found out that the previous events had been lied about and printed as truth.
Children in schools are being taught history school that contradicts current and open truths, FACT. I have children in school and I know this to be the case, however when they question the facts they are met with blank looks, because the teacher (that's a joke) doesn't know either.
I will be bloging about our medical practitioners / medical industry, the JOKE that it is. I am sincerely sorry for those who are currently using our health service and I am sincerely sorry for those who have to because of an illness. Don't get me wrong, I admire those in the industry, those who treat emergencies though, rather than the fat arsed medical GP type who sits and prescribes 'SHIT' as a remedy for a condition that could be treated properly by none big-pharma means.
So I will be talking about Cannabis, YES! that stuff. So if you are a none believer you are going to be in for a shock. I will post as my next post the list of ailments that can be treated with Cannabis.
Aliens? do they exist? One would have to be pretty stupid not believe that there are other entities out in a universe that is unfathomable. Do I debate this fact, NO! Can I prove it - I would have the opponent prove that they don't exist; not based on the fact that they have never seen them. For this reason I could argue that Bosnia doesn't exist because I haven't seen it.
I am a Veggie, I eat fish but that is about it on the 'LIFE' stakes and I don't argue that veggies are alive too but what the hell I ain't stupid I have to eat something. I don't drink the poison tap water here in the UK, we'll cover that in another post.
I will, more often than not call the country I live in 'ALBION', because that is its proper name I will refrain as best I can from calling this Isle 'britain' and certainly never with a Capitol letter. If you knew what 'britain' meant you would refrain from using it too. UK is ok but rather Albion.
Politics will come in to this, we cannot ignore the idiots that think they have been elected in to lead us, Yea right. There are a few great politicians and these will get a mention from time to time.
EU, I will put this in a different category to politics because the EU is about as far from politics as my balls are from my arse. Yes I did mean that 'Think about it' ;-) (for those who are a little slow they are close together but have different purposes, and one stinks) Not mine of course ;-)
I could go on but I have the cooking to do so I will stop here. Things, I hope, are about to get interesting.
My views are always different from others, however I have been told on many an occasion 'I never thought of it that way'. I ain't about to change.
Namaste, phil;
I will explain at some time why I use the signature phil; so you will understand why, unless you already do.
I am constantly reading new and varied books, I am an avid NEXUS reader and I love the UK Column, I occasionally get the Sovereign Independent. I have read 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley, Plato's 'Republic' right up to authors like Icke and Jim Marrs. I have hundreds of books pertaining to Law, History, Myth, Medicine, Herbal, Conspiracy, Language (English) and a few others, the range of subjects is vast, however it is all for one thing, to understand what the fuck is going on.
So to step up a bit I will be referring to many subjects, not just one.
I believe it is important to be versed in a multitude - not a master in any but a standing in many.
Of everything I have read, one thing is for sure. If you wish to know true history read mythology and for true mythology read history.
I have known history to change in my life time. What was once believed is now no longer true; not because the thinking has changed but because we found out that the previous events had been lied about and printed as truth.
Children in schools are being taught history school that contradicts current and open truths, FACT. I have children in school and I know this to be the case, however when they question the facts they are met with blank looks, because the teacher (that's a joke) doesn't know either.
I will be bloging about our medical practitioners / medical industry, the JOKE that it is. I am sincerely sorry for those who are currently using our health service and I am sincerely sorry for those who have to because of an illness. Don't get me wrong, I admire those in the industry, those who treat emergencies though, rather than the fat arsed medical GP type who sits and prescribes 'SHIT' as a remedy for a condition that could be treated properly by none big-pharma means.
So I will be talking about Cannabis, YES! that stuff. So if you are a none believer you are going to be in for a shock. I will post as my next post the list of ailments that can be treated with Cannabis.
Aliens? do they exist? One would have to be pretty stupid not believe that there are other entities out in a universe that is unfathomable. Do I debate this fact, NO! Can I prove it - I would have the opponent prove that they don't exist; not based on the fact that they have never seen them. For this reason I could argue that Bosnia doesn't exist because I haven't seen it.
I am a Veggie, I eat fish but that is about it on the 'LIFE' stakes and I don't argue that veggies are alive too but what the hell I ain't stupid I have to eat something. I don't drink the poison tap water here in the UK, we'll cover that in another post.
I will, more often than not call the country I live in 'ALBION', because that is its proper name I will refrain as best I can from calling this Isle 'britain' and certainly never with a Capitol letter. If you knew what 'britain' meant you would refrain from using it too. UK is ok but rather Albion.
Politics will come in to this, we cannot ignore the idiots that think they have been elected in to lead us, Yea right. There are a few great politicians and these will get a mention from time to time.
EU, I will put this in a different category to politics because the EU is about as far from politics as my balls are from my arse. Yes I did mean that 'Think about it' ;-) (for those who are a little slow they are close together but have different purposes, and one stinks) Not mine of course ;-)
I could go on but I have the cooking to do so I will stop here. Things, I hope, are about to get interesting.
My views are always different from others, however I have been told on many an occasion 'I never thought of it that way'. I ain't about to change.
Namaste, phil;
I will explain at some time why I use the signature phil; so you will understand why, unless you already do.
Osho on Very important "Word"
A new permanent clip on the right Osho.
This is a serious video and not by a comedian. I had thought, when I first viewed it to be a skit, well it isn't.
Now I believe my blog is meant for adults, or at least I thought I had selected that option and I can't be arsed to check so I will continue.
FUCK! is a five letter word, the fifth letter gives it some Oomph I think. I use the fuck word quite often, but not in polite company you understand. But even then I try to sneak it in under the radar.
Fuck is such a descriptive word it can be used for so many things. Just like a Swiss army knife but FUCK! is it much more versatile.
I hope you enjoy, I certainly did, as did the rest of my family.
This is a serious video and not by a comedian. I had thought, when I first viewed it to be a skit, well it isn't.
Now I believe my blog is meant for adults, or at least I thought I had selected that option and I can't be arsed to check so I will continue.
FUCK! is a five letter word, the fifth letter gives it some Oomph I think. I use the fuck word quite often, but not in polite company you understand. But even then I try to sneak it in under the radar.
Fuck is such a descriptive word it can be used for so many things. Just like a Swiss army knife but FUCK! is it much more versatile.
I hope you enjoy, I certainly did, as did the rest of my family.
Friday, April 8, 2011
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