Wednesday, July 6, 2011

uk face colder harsher winters

Alastair Stevenson uk ibtimes | July 5, 2011 4:26 PM GMT reports that we in Britain ‘MAY’ soon be forced to contend with much harsher winters.

This blogger has said many times over the last 25 years that the climate-change; global warming, scam is a whole mess of horse shit. 
Now Alistair reports what he sees and I don’t have a problem with what he says. What I hold in contempt is the flagrant lies we have been told for all these years, so, well done Alistair and thank you for bringing this topic to my attention again.

We are now being told, after being told we should expect the GLOBE; hereafter referred to as Earth, to get warmer, not only in the summer but ‘on the whole’. I understand the message, however when I was a young boy we were told at school the Earth or more specifically ‘Great Britain’ (Albion) is heading for a mini ice age; I believe the scientists ruminate that we brits in the early 60’s were going to have short memories, and Oh is that another story, however they thought we might have forgotten this SMALL factoid, well I specifically haven’t and I can assure you my early education was not that good but better than today’s education.

Here we are in 2011; whod’ve thought it. Not only have we been force fed the Global warming they, whoever ‘THEY’ are, probably the same crowd who are telling us this now, suggested that their forecasts were not meant to be WARMING but, rather ‘CHANGE’. I can accept the alteration of ‘warming to CHANGE’, however as hard as I may try I cannot get my head round the change from 'Global' to ‘CLIMATE’, It’s a mystery to me.

Well like I say we are in 2011 and we have accepted, well some have, 'global warming' is now 'climate change'. In another post I stated climate change is another phrase for ‘seasons’. Only now to be told that the Global warming now climate change is back full circle to british (Albion) mini ‘Maunder minimum (1645 to 1715)’ Not quite ICE AGE but colder than it has been for a few years. 

Well if you aren’t confused yet, hold on I believe it gets worse.
Although we are heading for a ‘Maunder minimum-ish’ period we are not necessarily going to get really cold winters all the time, we might get a ‘PEAK’ warm period as had happened in the original ‘Maunder minimum’. 
So what they are actually saying is that they got it right in the 60’s, the first time round,  but there might be a 1 in 7 chance that we will get a warm period and it will be only transient; not lasting.

Okay, this is all well and good but we will still be having to keep our pensioners warm and our children fed, and warm. Could we not just fire these jackass scientists NOW and save ourselves billions of pounds in circular arguments and waste of time government departments?

If we had stuck with the original study and spent the money wasted over the last 40 years on things like housing or jobs, or our steel industry, or even agriculture the coming colder temperatures would not be so bad, we may even have had enough time to prepare for it. But no they have dug a hole so deep advocating the ‘HEAT’, it’s getting hotter don’t breath, your farts are killing the planet. 

It just goes to show, the proposed carbon taxes are to cover the costs of their incompetence of the last 40 years and nothing to do with CO2 after all.
I think I will invest in duvet.

Namaste, phil;

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