You may recognise a few names on this list below, well so you should, they are 'YOUR' representatives in Parliament.
Here are 267 spineless, gutless moronic traitors who HAVE surrendered BILLIONS of your money to Brussels 'The basket case, otherwise known as the EU'.
These 267 ingrates, have, without any thought of what this money could do for our own country, handed over 'YOUR' money to be wasted on illegitimate and criminal projects.
Brussels can hardly manage itself and has for the last decade not accounted for any money it has handled.
These 267 below knowing full well that the majority of this country want 'OUT' of the EU, have commited Billions of your sweat equity and have 'NOT' given any reasons or explanations as to what it will be spent on.
Wouldn't you rather they spend 'YOUR' money on schools, hospitals or cutting taxes, how about giving something 'BACK' to the pentioners who have worked their entire lives to make this country great.
267 MPs who would rather you starved and couldn't find a dentist - as long as the corrupt, treacherous dictatorship that is the EU and it's Euro-zone survives to provide jobs for future shabby politicians and dictators:
These 267 should not receive ONE more vote from 'We the People' they should be ashamed of what they have just done.
I 'SPIT' in disgust at the feet of every last one of them. They are pretty poor excuses for human beings, they give humanity a BAD name.
Adams, Nigel
Afriyie, Adam
Aldous, Peter
Amess, Mr David
Andrew, Stuart
Arbuthnot, rh Mr James
Bacon, Mr Richard
Bagshawe, Ms Louise
Baker, Norman
Baldry, Tony
Baldwin, Harriett
Barclay, Stephen
Barker, Gregory
Barron, rh Mr Kevin
Barwell, Gavin
Bebb, Guto
Benyon, Richard
Birtwistle, Gordon
Blackman, Bob
Blackwood, Nicola
Blunt, Mr Crispin
Boles, Nick
Bottomley, Sir Peter
Bradley, Karen
Brake, Tom
Bray, Angie
Brazier, Mr Julian
Bridgen, Andrew
Brine, Mr Steve
Brokenshire, James
Brooke, Annette
Browne, Mr Jeremy
Bruce, rh Malcolm
Buckland, Mr Robert
Burns, rh Mr Simon
Burrowes, Mr David
Burstow, Paul
Burt, Alistair
Burt, Lorely
Byles, Dan
Cairns, Alun
Campbell, rh Sir Menzies
Carmichael, rh Mr Alistair
Carmichael, Neil
Chishti, Rehman
Clark, rh Greg
Clarke, rh Mr Kenneth
Clifton-Brown, Geoffrey
Coffey, Dr Thérèse
Collins, Damian
Colvile, Oliver
Connarty, Michael
Cox, Mr Geoffrey
Crockart, Mike
Crouch, Tracey
Davey, Mr Edward
Davies, David T. C.
Dinenage, Caroline
Djanogly, Mr Jonathan
Donohoe, Mr Brian H.
Dorries, Nadine
Doyle-Price, Jackie
Duncan Smith, rh Mr Iain
Dunne, Mr Philip
Ellison, Jane
Ellwood, Mr Tobias
Elphicke, Charlie
Eustice, George
Evans, Graham
Evans, Jonathan
Evennett, Mr David
Fabricant, Michael
Fallon, Michael
Field, Mr Mark
Foster, rh Mr Don
Francois, rh Mr Mark
Freeman, George
Freer, Mike
Fuller, Richard
Gale, Mr Roger
Garnier, Mr Edward
Garnier, Mark
Gauke, Mr David
George, Andrew
Gibb, Mr Nick
Gilbert, Stephen
Gillan, rh Mrs Cheryl
Glen, John
Goodwill, Mr Robert
Gove, rh Michael
Graham, Richard
Grayling, rh Chris
Green, Damian
Greening, Justine
Grieve, rh Mr Dominic
Griffiths, Andrew
Gummer, Ben
Gyimah, Mr Sam
Hague, rh Mr William
Halfon, Robert
Hammond, rh Mr Philip
Hammond, Stephen
Hancock, Matthew
Hands, Greg
Harper, Mr Mark
Harris, Rebecca
Hart, Simon
Harvey, Nick
Haselhurst, rh Sir Alan
Heald, Oliver
Heath, Mr David
Heaton-Harris, Chris
Hemming, John
Hendry, Charles
Herbert, rh Nick
Hinds, Damian
Hoban, Mr Mark
Hollingbery, George
Holloway, Mr Adam
Hopkins, Kris
Howarth, Mr Gerald
Howell, John
Hughes, rh Simon
Huhne, rh Chris
Hunt, rh Mr Jeremy
Huppert, Dr Julian
Hurd, Mr Nick
Jackson, Mr Stewart
James, Margot
Johnson, Gareth
Johnson, Joseph
Jones, Andrew
Jones, Mr David
Jones, Mr Marcus
Kawczynski, Daniel
Kirby, Simon
Knight, rh Mr Greg
Laing, Mrs Eleanor
Lamb, Norman
Lancaster, Mark
Latham, Pauline
Leadsom, Andrea
Lee, Jessica
Lee, Dr Phillip
Leech, Mr John
Lefroy, Jeremy
Letwin, rh Mr Oliver
Lewis, Brandon
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian
Lidington, rh Mr David
Lloyd, Stephen
Lopresti, Jack
Lord, Jonathan
Loughton, Tim
Luff, Peter
Macleod, Mary
May, rh Mrs Theresa
Maynard, Paul
McIntosh, Miss Anne
McLoughlin, rh Mr Patrick
McVey, Esther
Menzies, Mark
Mercer, Patrick
Metcalfe, Stephen
Miller, Maria
Mills, Nigel
Milton, Anne
Mordaunt, Penny
Morgan, Nicky
Morris, Anne Marie
Morris, David
Mowat, David
Mulholland, Greg
Mundell, rh David
Munt, Tessa
Murray, Sheryll
Murrison, Dr Andrew
Neill, Robert
Newmark, Mr Brooks
Newton, Sarah
Nokes, Caroline
Norman, Jesse
O'Brien, Mr Stephen
Offord, Mr Matthew
Ollerenshaw, Eric
Paice, rh Mr James
Parish, Neil
Patel, Priti
Pawsey, Mark
Penning, Mike
Penrose, John
Perry, Claire
Phillips, Stephen
Pickles, rh Mr Eric
Pincher, Christopher
Poulter, Dr Daniel
Prisk, Mr Mark
Pritchard, Mark
Pugh, John
Raab, Mr Dominic
Randall, rh Mr John
Reid, Mr Alan
Robertson, Mr Laurence
Rogerson, Dan
Rudd, Amber
Ruffley, Mr David
Russell, Bob
Rutley, David
Sanders, Mr Adrian
Scott, Mr Lee
Selous, Andrew
Sharma, Alok
Shelbrooke, Alec
Simmonds, Mark
Simpson, Mr Keith
Skidmore, Chris
Smith, Miss Chloe
Smith, Julian
Smith, Sir Robert
Soames, Nicholas
Soubry, Anna
Spelman, rh Mrs Caroline
Spencer, Mr Mark
Stephenson, Andrew
Stevenson, John
Stewart, Iain
Stewart, Rory
Streeter, Mr Gary
Stride, Mel
Stuart, Mr Graham
Sturdy, Julian
Swales, Ian
Swayne, Mr Desmond
Swinson, Jo
Swire, rh Mr Hugo
Syms, Mr Robert
Thurso, John
Timpson, Mr Edward
Tredinnick, David
Tyrie, Mr Andrew
Uppal, Paul
Vaizey, Mr Edward
Vara, Mr Shailesh
Villiers, rh Mrs Theresa
Walker, Mr Robin
Wallace, Mr Ben
Walter, Mr Robert
Ward, Mr David
Webb, Steve
Wharton, James
Wheeler, Heather
White, Chris
Whittaker, Craig
Wiggin, Bill
Willetts, rh Mr David
Williams, Hywel
Williams, Mr Mark
Williams, Roger
Williams, Stephen
Williamson, Gavin
Willott, Jenny
Wilson, Mr Rob
Wright, Jeremy
Wright, Simon
Yeo, Mr Tim
Young, rh Sir George
Zahawi, Nadhim
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Buchanan Clark and Wells (Debt collection tactics)
Found this on another site ans as the author is anonymous there is no way to ask if I can post it. So here it is.
BCW Group PLC - Buchanan Clark and Wells.
What you should know
I was an employee with BCW Group, and I would like to, anonymously, share my experiences of them, and hopefully help people who currently have their debt with this company.
BCW are a debt collection organisation. Some of their clients include: 'British Gas, Scottish Power, E.On, powergen, etc.' Local councils for council tax collection. Most large mobile phone companies.
I am speaking out as an ex-employee because this company's 'tactics' are appalling.
The only thing they are concerned with is getting as much money as possible out of you - regardless of your circumstances.
First of all, BCW have a 'three call' strategy.
This is as follows.
You will receive a letter from BCW stating that it is a 'formal/final demand for payment'. You will be urged to contact a premium rate telephone line to make payment.
The person you are connected with is trained to ONLY EVER accept payment in full the first time you call. Therefore, when you call and say you cannot afford payment in full, they will tell you to go and try and find the money and will give you 48 hours to do so.
The second call you make, if you say you could not source the money, they will offer you:
50% payment now and 50% payment next month. Or 50% then 25% then 25%.
Only on the third phone call will you be offered a monthly payment plan option, up to 12 months.
BCW make an extra charge (min £2) when paying by credit/debit card over the phone.
Their call centre is very much a competition-based environment, whereby bonuses are given to 'top collectors'.
As you can imagine - 'top collectors' are ruthless.
During my training - I was told to 'take payment at all costs'. Never fob callers off to the client (i.e. british gas) - just make excuses for the charges and take payment.
We were told to "imply" court action, bailiffs, credit blacklisting - as means to make the caller pay.
We were always told NEVER to tell the caller that they 'WILL' end up in court, etc - however that 'May/Might/Possible' court action,etc. was a good tactic.
If you fail to call BCW and they have your telephone number - they will call you. They can call you every single day if they don't feel that you are trying hard enough to pay or not paying.
Debt is written off if they cannot trace you/ you can prove you are bankrupt./ you can prove the original client is deceased/ you prove you are on a debt prepayment plan with a recognised authority and obtaining payment from you would be uneconomical to pursue.
There are non-premium rate telephone numbers to get through to them - please see their website for numbers.
Please note that at the time I was employed - BCW staff were told to obey all data protection act rules and regulations. Training involved a lot knowing about the regulations in place, and we were tested on them.
Anyone flaunting the rules was automatically fired - on the spot.
This is because complaints are costly to their fortune, and they don't tolerate it - at least, in theory.
If you ask to speak to a line manager - you must be put through or called back as soon as possible.
If you ask for your telephone number to be removed from their system - they MUST do it, so long as they have an address they can write to you at.
BCW Group PLC - Buchanan Clark and Wells.
What you should know
I was an employee with BCW Group, and I would like to, anonymously, share my experiences of them, and hopefully help people who currently have their debt with this company.
BCW are a debt collection organisation. Some of their clients include: 'British Gas, Scottish Power, E.On, powergen, etc.' Local councils for council tax collection. Most large mobile phone companies.
I am speaking out as an ex-employee because this company's 'tactics' are appalling.
The only thing they are concerned with is getting as much money as possible out of you - regardless of your circumstances.
First of all, BCW have a 'three call' strategy.
This is as follows.
You will receive a letter from BCW stating that it is a 'formal/final demand for payment'. You will be urged to contact a premium rate telephone line to make payment.
The person you are connected with is trained to ONLY EVER accept payment in full the first time you call. Therefore, when you call and say you cannot afford payment in full, they will tell you to go and try and find the money and will give you 48 hours to do so.
The second call you make, if you say you could not source the money, they will offer you:
50% payment now and 50% payment next month. Or 50% then 25% then 25%.
Only on the third phone call will you be offered a monthly payment plan option, up to 12 months.
BCW make an extra charge (min £2) when paying by credit/debit card over the phone.
Their call centre is very much a competition-based environment, whereby bonuses are given to 'top collectors'.
As you can imagine - 'top collectors' are ruthless.
During my training - I was told to 'take payment at all costs'. Never fob callers off to the client (i.e. british gas) - just make excuses for the charges and take payment.
We were told to "imply" court action, bailiffs, credit blacklisting - as means to make the caller pay.
We were always told NEVER to tell the caller that they 'WILL' end up in court, etc - however that 'May/Might/Possible' court action,etc. was a good tactic.
If you fail to call BCW and they have your telephone number - they will call you. They can call you every single day if they don't feel that you are trying hard enough to pay or not paying.
Debt is written off if they cannot trace you/ you can prove you are bankrupt./ you can prove the original client is deceased/ you prove you are on a debt prepayment plan with a recognised authority and obtaining payment from you would be uneconomical to pursue.
There are non-premium rate telephone numbers to get through to them - please see their website for numbers.
Please note that at the time I was employed - BCW staff were told to obey all data protection act rules and regulations. Training involved a lot knowing about the regulations in place, and we were tested on them.
Anyone flaunting the rules was automatically fired - on the spot.
This is because complaints are costly to their fortune, and they don't tolerate it - at least, in theory.
If you ask to speak to a line manager - you must be put through or called back as soon as possible.
If you ask for your telephone number to be removed from their system - they MUST do it, so long as they have an address they can write to you at.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Royal Wedding Purge 2011
Charlie Veitch was arrested 'suspicion of conspiracy to cause a nuisance' A day before the wedding of the, not so next in line to the throne, William.
Now I am not in the business of hating anyone and the royals do not escape this statement. The queen like me is a living sentient being the racist husband of the so called monarch is also a living sentient being. However there are some poignant, salient differences, the most obvious being that I did not swear to protect the people of this country, the queen DID!
AND I didn't know about the ramifications of either of the treatise (Maastricht or Lisbon) and given the choice I would not have supported either.
Anything else? that gives us a clue that the laws don't apply to our glorious leaders. Here's one to watch out for.
I started with Charlie, Veitch that is, so I am going to GLUE the two subjects together.
Just exactly what does 'suspicion of conspiracy to cause a nuisance' mean, on the scale of things?
On the one hand we have a constitutional monarch who totally neglects her subjects by signing away our rights and she (the bitch) is at liberty and is 'NOT under arrest', don't know if we could do that anyway, on the other hand; Charlie says he will ignore an injunction, or whatever, to attend a 'WEDDING' and is ARRESTED!
What has this to do with the queen and the marriage?
It was those who serve the queen who arrested Charlie AND because her grandchild was getting married.
Had this not been the case, Charlie would have not been arrested.
For those who don't 'give a SHIT' just wait till it's your turn.
When the police deny YOU the right to a solicitor and your wife / partner or your solicitor is not allowed to know where you are or how long you are going to be held - forget asking 'WHY' you are arrested 'they don't have to tell you'.
It was on THIS day that a PINEAPPLE was well and truly stuffed up the arse of the british (Albion) public. Consider yourself 'FUCKED'.
Now I am not in the business of hating anyone and the royals do not escape this statement. The queen like me is a living sentient being the racist husband of the so called monarch is also a living sentient being. However there are some poignant, salient differences, the most obvious being that I did not swear to protect the people of this country, the queen DID!
In the Coronation ceremony of 2 June 1953, one of the highlights was when The Queen made her Coronation Oath (taken from the Order of Service for the Coronation).
The Queen having returned to her Chair, (her Majesty having already on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, 1952, in the presence of the two Houses of Parliament, made and signed the Declaration prescribed by Act of Parliament), the Archbishop standing before her shall administer the Coronation Oath by first asking the Queen,
Madam, is your Majesty willing to take the Oath?And the Queen answering, "I am willing."
The Archbishop ministered these questions:
Archbishop. Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Pakistan, and Ceylon, and of your Possessions and the other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?
Queen. "I solemnly promise so to do."
Archbishop. Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?
Queen. "I will"
Archbishop. Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel? Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law? Will you maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in England? And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England, and to the Churches there committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges, as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?
Queen. "All this I promise to do."
Then the Queen arising out of her Chair, supported as before, the Sword of State being carried before her, shall go to the Altar, and make her solemn Oath in the sight of all the people to observe the premisses: laying her right hand upon the Holy Gospel in the great Bible as she kneels upon the steps, and saying these words:
"The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep. So help me God."Then the Queen kissed the Book and signed the Oath.
AND I didn't know about the ramifications of either of the treatise (Maastricht or Lisbon) and given the choice I would not have supported either.
The Treaty of Maastricht (formally, the Treaty on European Union, (TEU)) was signed on 7 February 1992. The Treaty of Maastricht made the Queen subject to the European Union and a citizen of that Union ‘subject to the duties imposed thereby’.
The EU Constitution - which will come into force on 1st January 2009; ('Lisbon Treaty')
The 'Lisbon Treaty' is a constitution; A country cannot have two constitutions.'
Anything else? that gives us a clue that the laws don't apply to our glorious leaders. Here's one to watch out for.
It is concluded that under European law excluding Princess Anne from becoming monarch in favour of a male is sex discrimination, then this will directly conflict with the Act of Settlement 1701, and thus domestic law.
I started with Charlie, Veitch that is, so I am going to GLUE the two subjects together.
Just exactly what does 'suspicion of conspiracy to cause a nuisance' mean, on the scale of things?
On the one hand we have a constitutional monarch who totally neglects her subjects by signing away our rights and she (the bitch) is at liberty and is 'NOT under arrest', don't know if we could do that anyway, on the other hand; Charlie says he will ignore an injunction, or whatever, to attend a 'WEDDING' and is ARRESTED!
What has this to do with the queen and the marriage?
It was those who serve the queen who arrested Charlie AND because her grandchild was getting married.
Had this not been the case, Charlie would have not been arrested.
For those who don't 'give a SHIT' just wait till it's your turn.
When the police deny YOU the right to a solicitor and your wife / partner or your solicitor is not allowed to know where you are or how long you are going to be held - forget asking 'WHY' you are arrested 'they don't have to tell you'.
It was on THIS day that a PINEAPPLE was well and truly stuffed up the arse of the british (Albion) public. Consider yourself 'FUCKED'.
What can we do?
“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”[Edmund Burke, 1770, in 'Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents.'].
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